Where can I get Tuholski Produce?
Farmed & Forged Market | downtown La Porte, IN
Sundays beginning May 26 through Sept 29 / Times TBD
Monroe Street between Lincolnway & State Street
This producers-only market is all about shopping from the source. It's a hyper-local market featuring local farmers, artisans, restaurants, breweries, and nonprofits, all within a 100-mile radius of La Porte.
Free Admission
All ages welcome
Rain or shine (barring severe weather)
Local farmers, producers, makers & foragers
High-quality artisan vendors
Locally-made food & drinks
Live music & entertainment
Each market benefits a local nonprofit
Learn more here!
Region Roots | Serving all of NWI
nwi's only local food hub
Are you a chef or food service provider within the NWI region? Interested in buying bulk/wholesale?
Region Roots is a mission-driven, non-profit local food hub operated by the NWI Food Council since 2021. As Northwest Indiana's only local food hub, Region Roots serves to connect small scale and underserved farmers with wholesale market opportunities and resources to cultivate a just, thriving, and regenerative food system for all in NWI.
Want to learn more? Check out Region Roots here or reach out to Anna Martinez, NWI food Council's Food Hub Coordinator, at anna@nwifoodcouncil.org
At the homestead
4516 s 200 e la porte, IN 46350
Check out our Instagram or Facebook page for postings on select days we'll have items stocked in our breezeway cooler. Cash/checks & Venmo (@tuholskiproduce) accepted. Having a big family dinner or want to put up items? Contact us below or via social media for large orders.
Produce you Can expect This 2024 season
Lettuce (green leaf, red leaf, romaine, butterhead, iceberg), garlic scapes, dino kale, rainbow Swiss chard, tomatoes (red beefsteak, yellow beefsteak, Cherokee purple, German pink, black from Tula), peppers (bell, jalapeno, pimento), cabbage (green, red), cucumber (slicing), carrots, raspberries, watermelon (allsweet, sugar baby, crimson sweet), cantaloupe, raspberries, pumpkins (pie and decorative), winter squash (acorn, butternut, spaghetti)
have questions?
Please enter your information below. We'll be in touch!